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12 Simple Joys in Everyday Life

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I thought I would jot down some simple practices that I’ve been making a habit of lately that inject lots of joy and peace into my daily life. Life is busy, the days seem to fly by and I’m here to make the most out of the little things and moments I have. All of these things don’t happen everyday, but they are things I take note of, and am grateful for. 

Taking William on walks early in the morning. He’s been a little better about sleeping in but he’s usually the first one up so while the weather is still nice I buckle him up in the stroller and we walk to the beach to catch the early morning sun – it’s my favorite way to start the day.  

Picking up my kids from school and letting them play on the playground while I connect with other moms. I love this time because I can catch up with my friends and I meet someone new almost every time. 

Having my coffee outside on our porch (if the morning allows). This is usually a weekend thing and there’s always a couple of littles around me but it’s nice to get the fresh air and make a point to take a couple moments.

Walking to the beach after dinner with the kids even if just for a couple minutes. I let them run around, William is a crazy man on the loose and Brian and Grace are so cute with him. I love to look out and as weird as this sounds, I take a couple of deep breaths and just take it all in.

Friday Friend Lunch. I try and reserve Fridays for a lunch date with a friend, there’s always someone who’s up for lunch! Sometimes it’s a date, sometimes it’s a group! It’s my favorite way to kick off the weekend 🎉

Watching my kids play their sports. There is nothing cuter than watching 1st grade girls soccer. Grace is of the picking dandelions variety, often running to the sidelines for a hug in the middle of a game, it’s so cute. Brian is a little more serious with his sports and it’s fun to watch!

Cooking dinner with a glass of wine with the french cooking music playlist on amazon. This happens about once a week with our schedules but it’s my happy place.

Playing music in the mornings while we get ready for school and have breakfast. Here’s a link to my playlist. 

Riding my bike whenever possible. We live close to school so we often ride bikes there, and sometimes I like to just take a joyride over lunch or in the evenings with the whole crew. William sitting in the back seat of Brian’s bike is the cutest things I’ve ever seen.

My weekly tennis clinic. I was a tennis player growing up and it’s so fun to be playing again. I play with the gals in my neighborhood and we have this cute french instructor who laughs at us the whole time. In the summer we had a 5 pm clinic so we’d sneak high noons onto the courts which was fun. Now we have a 12, still fun!

Making it to bed in the 9s with a book or a magazine. No screens in bed has been a GAME CHANGER for sleep. I swear looking at that screen in bed is not a good for sleep. I’m currently reading The Last Thing He Told Me, and I really like it.

Sitting in our front yard and watching the kids play with their friends. It’s simple, it’s easy, we love our neighbors, the kids have fun, we can relax (not with william right now but soon)

So, there’s my list! I would love to hear yours!

dress / shoes (similar) / bag / sunnies