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Hi Everyone!! How are we today? I’m feeling fantastic because I can finally be honest with you! I’ve been waiting for this day for what seems like forever — it’s been super tough to keep such a big secret on this little blog of mine which is part of the reason why I’ve been posting so much less lately.  I like to keep things real here and hiding something that has consumed my thoughts and emotions from you has proven very difficult.

Sooooooooooo here it goes – Brian and I are expecting our first little baby to arrive this July!!!! I can’t tell you how exited I am to be pregnant and become a mom – the journey so far from seeing the positive sign on the pregnancy test, to the little heartbeat at six weeks, and last week at the first trimester screening has been incredible. It’s hard to believe I have a little boy or girl growing in there, every time I look down or touch my tummy I feel thrill. There isn’t much showing yet and every day I wake up excited to check on my miniature bump followed by my babycenter app to see how big the baby is – this week we’re at the size of a medium shrimp 🙂

I promise not to turn this blog into a baby/mommy blog but I will update you with our progress during the next 6 months. We have a lot to accomplish before then like find a house, move into a new house, design a nursery, etc…but I’m not stressing, yet. We have been searching for a home for the past 6 months but really can’t find anything we LOVE and we certainly don’t want to settle on such a big investment. If we can’t find one soon, we’ll rent for another year until we do and the most important thing right now is to be excited and prepare for Baby Joy.

Whew! I’m so happy that’s out and thank you for the constant love and support you give me, looking forward to going through all this with you – I’m a lucky gal 🙂