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You know that feeling of satisfaction when your house is clean and neat, you finally sit down to write those thank you notes,  you bought upcoming gifts ahead of time (and even wrapped them!), and your to-do list is checked off? Yeah, neither do I. But seriously, who is that person because I want to be them. These days, I feel like I’m being swallowed by toys, chores and tasks and am always scrambling to get things done right as they are about to approach. For instance, I buy a present on the way to a party and tell the guest of honor I forgot the card even though I just didn’t have time to get one OR leave a clean load of laundry in the basket for days so it gets all nice and wrinkled because  I told myself I would do it after the kids go to bed everyday and I’m zonked. It’s hard enough to get my coffee in while its hot let alone set an hour aside to exercise to lose these last 10. As I write this blog post, Grace is in my arms and I’m pausing about every 30 seconds to shush her to sleep. This is my morning without Brian (he’s in daycare two mornings a week – woohoo!)

THE ABSOLUTE WORST happened last weekend and this was really my awakening. You are going to think less of me but here it goes, I missed my best friend’s son’s christening. Yep. I literally was in tears that night when I realized. I mean how bad is that??? Luckily, I keep nice friends who understand and forgive but I’ll never forget what an asshole I was to forget that. I got an email with an invitation, thought how nice, replied yes, looked forward to it, and kept scrolling through my emails. I never wrote it down and the day passed until I realized what day it was at 4 PM.

SO I’m turning over a new leaf on scheduling and organizing my life. A lot for me is visual so I need to see my day and write down what’s going on as well as my goals for the week, month, etc…

There are two planners that are HOT right now, one is the Day Designer by Whitney English and the other is the Simplified Planner by Emily Ley. People swear by them and I’m trying to decide on which to get as they are a little pricey, around $60.

Here is Whitney’s 

And here is Emily’s

And I’d love to buy you one, too! 
I’ll be giving away the planner of your choice to one lucky reader 🙂

Here is how to enter (open to US residents only)

1) Leave a comment below with your name and email
3) Share the image below on your instagram feed tagging @purejoyhome. Simply click on the picture below, save it to your smart phone or computer and share it with your following with the caption “My Entry for the Pure Joy Home Planner Giveaway #purejoyhomegiveaway cc: @purejoyhome”
Here is the image to save and share: 
Giveaway ends Thursday 10/15 at 8 PM EST.
Hopefully this planner will change how we live our lives (in an organizational and intentional way)