I get a lot of questions about how I color my hair so I’m here to tell you about my process which happens to include using a drug-store box dye!

no, I don’t color Brian’s hair — what’s funny is I’m totally after what he has naturally 🙂
OK so I feel like I finally conquered the constant maintenance of keeping up highlights. For those of you who color you hair, you know, it’s an issue. I talk about this with a lot of my friends and the number seems to be increasing the older we get. If I had the time and money, I would be at the salon every 4-5 weeks for touch-ups but honestly that’s something I do not have the time or money for. I am a natural brunette but I swear I’m like 50% gray at this point. The gray is the tricky part because when my roots come in, I can’t really pull off the ombre look anymore without looking like I’m 75.
>>Enter Clairol and my nifty self-colored forever blonde mom<< She has always had the prettiest hair and she has never had it professionally colored. She is a natural blonde but in that mousy dull way so she colors it herself to keep it pretty and fresh looking. Once when she was getting her hair cut at a nice salon in our town, the veteran stylist asked where she had it colored and when she told him she did it herself he told her to keep quiet and keep that to herself.

Happy Coloring, Princesses 🙂