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Forte dei Marmi Italia


Forte dei Marmi Italia Travel Guide

Our trip to Forte dei Marmi Italia was incredible. My delay in writing about the trip was for a few reasons.  First, we had so much personally going on.  Like buying and selling a house!  Then I just missed my kiddies terribly and wanted to spend as much time with them as I could.  To get back from a trip like this was incredible.  Therefore I needed to relish in the memories and soak in what this trip of a lifetime had given me before I could put it into words.

Why We Went

The trip of a lifetime it was. As I mentioned before, I went with four of my very best friends.  All of my apartment-mates during my study abroad in Florence, and our fiancés(!!!) and husbands who have all developed serious bromances since. We bonded on this trip just like we did 11 years ago. Which was over lots of chianti, endless bowls of pasta, laughter, hours spent in our dipping pools, late night games and pillow talk. No matter how busy life gets, we always pick up right where we left off.  And we’re so lucky to have each other and the memories we made on this amazing trip.

Leaving Brian & Grace

Yes, it was tough to leave Brian and Grace for 7 days and 7 nights. I was good in the beginning and the distraction of my uninterrupted time with my friends, husband, and amazing scenery (oh and wine) helped.  But by the time we left the Milan airport for NY I was having panic attacks that I wouldn’t get home! Being so far away was tough and I missed them a lot but I knew this trip was special and would probably not happen again for a very long time.  So I did my best to enjoy the moment and trust they were just fine.  Which they were thanks to our amazing parents and babysitter, Sara!


First stop, Forte dei Marmi Italia.  This was a Tuscan seaside town directly west of Florence on the Mediterranean. Brian and I woke up late on Friday morning and wanted to take a day trip to the beach. We had asked the owner of our B&B La Locanda (more on that later) where we should go to the beach and he said “Forte dei Marmi Italia of course”. Very upscale but is accommodating for tourists and beautiful, the best in Tuscany. So we went for it!

We drove out  in our little Fiat and an hour later landed on this pristine beach town. It felt like the Nantucket or Palm Beach of Italy.  Everything was perfect and well maintained, and the shops were incredible. The buildings were all painted in pretty pastels with palm trees and the brightest flowers lining the streets. But the town was relatively quiet when we got there but as the afternoon went on, the Italians started flooding in for the weekend.

La Perla Beach Club

A fast lesson we learned was to get the most of our quick stay we would have to pay a day fee to a beach club.  The beach is lined with these beach clubs, when translated actually called “bath clubs”.  And they were each painted a different color with all of the umbrellas and lounge chairs to match. Once we were in, we picked the aqua one, La Perla, and were so happy with it.  Two older Italian ladies own the club.  Everyone there welcomed us with open arms and set us up comfortably for the day.

The Beach

Once on the beach we found comfortable beach chairs.  The only time we got up was to refill our prosecco and order prosciutto and mozzarella sandwiches. Next, we walked the beach to see what the other clubs were up to.  As we were walking you couldn’t imagine a more perfect scenario.  To see the mountains in the background and the different pastel colored beach clubs lining the beach and the sparkling Mediterranean.  It was like heaven. And I don’t think there was one other American on the beach which was kind of cool.  Because we felt like we found an authentic spot and got a taste of how the Italians beach.  Boy, let me tell you, they do it right.

My favorite was seeing them relax with their whole families.  There were kids playing soccer for hours on end on the beach.  Then the elderly playing cards under the shade of the cabanas.  And everyone smoking cigarettes and having a grand old time. They all smoke cigarettes, it’s crazy.

I wish our stay was longer at Forte dei Marmi Italia so I could explore a little more in town.  But from what I saw it was spectacular. I’m sure we could fill a couple of days in this town just enjoying and relaxing.  Oh well, we’ll have to go back!

If you plan to travel to Florence and have time for a day trip, I HIGHLY recommend Forte dei Marmi Italia!  You won’t be disappointed.  To see more travel posts like this, click here!