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There is honestly nothing I love more than staring at a blank wall of shelves and placing items inside to create a beautiful curated space of collected decorative pieces and books. We have this little nook in our living room and I change out the collection every season or so, and it’s this one silly activity that makes me happy, like I imagine painters feel when they look at a blank canvas, or gardeners working on their flowers on a beautiful spring day. Kids asleep, sun shining in, music in the background and shelf styling 🙂 You get me? Probably not, lol…

I definitely think there is a science to styling in terms of taking various heights, textures and colors and somehow making them look cohesive. I find shelves to be a very small scale and forgiving space to practice decorating on, you can try new things out, move things around, use that one tchotchke your grandma gave you years ago that you never had a space for, etc…

Here is what I’ve got going on in our living room now:

A couple of weeks ago I was having a little party so I repurposed the bottom shelf into a pineapple margarita bar!

I definitely think breaking up the space up and dividing it into sections makes the task a little less daunting. If you look at my grid below and my actual shelves you’ll see how I did that. Funny thing is, I didn’t realize I did it like that until I looked at a photo and went to write this post, phew, there is a rhyme to the reason! 



I’m happy to answer any decorating questions you have, just shoot me an email (go to contact tab). Have fun decorating! 

photos of shelf by Stephanie Elliott