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A Cup of Joy – September 27, 2019

jeans / turtleneck / mules / sunnies / hat

Do you think you’ll ever move South?

I fell in love with Charleston, and have always loved Florida. The ocean and the warm weather in Florida, plus the laid back, family-friendly, slower pace there just suits me. We’ve really only spent our time in Jupiter, Florida because my parents winter there. Charleston was next level for me. It had the weather, the history, the culture, the scene, the beach, the restaurants, the architecture…I mean THAT place is definitely a perfect fit for me. We went in the heat  of summer, too, which many people say is a downside but it doesn’t bother me. So, if we ever moved south, it would be to Charleston.

Have said all this, I don’t think I would be 100% happy living in Charleston, right now. We have such a strong network of family and friends here. My brother and his wife, the cousins for my kids, my parents, and my best friends that I grew up with are all in short driving, some walking, distance. I don’t think there is anywhere in the world that can give you that sense of community and security. What’s that phrase, it’s not where you are but who you’re with that matters most. I mean, the thought of leaving puts a pit in my stomach and I could honestly start crying right now (maybe I did) imagining a scenario where we pull out of driveway and leave this place.

Can anyone relate??

Also, having said this, we will 100 million percent be buying a second home in Charleston when the time is right. And maybe even turn it into a Pure Joy HOME that could be rented ☀️

Does Brian work for Pure Joy Home?

Yes, Brian works for Pure Joy Home full time now and it is the best decision we ever made. You can read more about that in a full blog post here.

What has been your proudest accomplishment so far?

Definitely getting my business to a place where Brian could leave his corporate job in NYC and come home to work with me! I can’t imagine giving my kids a better gift than more time with their dad, and being able to be together as a family for more hours in the day. I could never have imagined this happening when I first started blogging and I am grateful for this opportunity.

If you weren’t doing this as a job, what would you be doing?

This is a hard one for me because the thought of not doing this guts me, but maybe something like being a home stager, or a stylist of some sort, an editor at a magazine, or something in merchandising. Definitely a visual job!

Do you ever get tired of being online all the time?

YUP. I do. There are some days when I don’t want to be on instagram stories or instagram in general because, heck, it can be DRAINING!! Seeing everyone’s perfect homes, perfect hair, perfect makeup, etc… Also, sometimes I don’t feel like talking to my phone, or sharing anything! BUT this is my job, and it’s a job that 98% I love and couldn’t imagine not doing. What I have found really helps me is disconnecting on the weekends. I’ll only pick up my phone if Brian and I are working on a fun project or something I think you guys will like, and then I just put my phone away.

How do you plan your content?

We have a google doc with a running list of blog post ideas (it’s really long) and once per month, I sit down with Kate, Kelly and Brian and we plan our calendar for the month. This is for the blog, social media is a different ball game and that is usually off the cuff unless we have to post for a collaboration.

What camera and lens do you use for your fashion posts?

We have a Canon Mark ii 6D that we use for lots of our content with a 50 mm lens, but most of what you see is shot with my iphone. I have gotten pretty good at editing those photos because of Lightroom and the development of my custom presets (available for purchase on Sunday!).

What is in your lice spray?

Just did a blog post on that! You can read more about it here.

Best hair straightener under $100?

I have this one and it’s $89. I like that it’s super compact and it works like a charm!

Presets! When will they be available?

They are available TODAY for newsletter subscribers (subscribe here), and on Sunday for everyone else!!! Woohoo!

What is your favorite store to shop at?

Nordstrom and JCrew. I like the smaller collection at JCrew and I find the quality to be superb for the price. Nordstrom has everything I would ever need in my life (or my closet).

Did you give Brian a salary?

Yes! Brian is on salary, and so am I! For retirement and tax purposes, we need to be on salaries.

Do you have a playlist?

Yes, it’s on Spotify! Search ‘Pure Joy Home’ and you’ll find my playlist!

Do you ever get into a fashion rut?

1000%. To be completely honest, I barely leave my house to go anywhere fancy or dressed up. I work from home so can wear my comfies (jeans and a tee, or sweatshirt) and I shuttle my kids around from school and activities (again, jeans and a tee). On occasion, I go to work events, meetings, and dress up for date night or GNO so that wardrobe is fairly limited because it’s simply not a huge part of my life right now. When I do need inspiration for those elevated outfits, I look at instagram, pinterest, and my favorite websites like JCrew, Shopbop, Nordstrom, and Zara.


Okay friends, need to get this day started! Thanks for checking in and I’ll be polling you for questions next week!