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Day Dating in Blush

Brian and I have been in an amazing habit of day-dating on Sundays. We didn’t plan on going out on Sundays but lately it’s just been working out that way and I love it! Usually on Friday nights we either have pizza with family or stay in and on Saturdays we’re running around with the kids all day and by the time nighttime falls, a cozy fire, couch and wine sounds amazing. By the time Sunday comes we’re ready for some quiet time and we’ve been hitting up some out-of-town spots for a long lunch and it kind of feels like we’re on a mini-vacation. We also make a pit-stop at the beach before heading home which is so peaceful and nice, even in the cold. And you know I bring my camera so I can have B take outfit shots ? He’s actually getting quite good don’t you think? Poor guy…

Last Sunday, I went monochromatic and wore all blush. These new leggings are LIFE, so comfortable and they have a lot of different textures so they barely look like leggings, and I’ve also been living in this cozy over-sized sweater, it is SO soft and warm. Also, I can’t take these sneakers off, my poor booties are collecting dust. 

Coat / SweaterLeggings / Sneakers / Sunnies / Bag