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Decorating our Front Porch for Fall!

Fall Front Porch Decor

Fall Front Porch Decor

One of my favorite parts about our house is the covered side front porch we have that goes into our family room and kitchen. It’s such a nice space to have because lots of times the kids will be playing in the driveway or in the cul-de-sac and we can perch right on that swing and watch them. The sun also sets on this side of the house so it’s super lovely to enjoy a nice glass of wine in the evenings! I love making it feel cozy and changing up the decor seasonally.

You all know I love summer BUT fall might take the cake for decorating because I feel like there is just so much you can do! I love adding layers like pillows and blankets, and I can not get enough of the heirloom pumpkins.  Brian might have a heart attack when he sees the grocery bill for this month 😬I can’t leave without two!

Fall Front Porch Decor

I wanted to add some decorating tips in this post for decorating your exterior space for fall!

Lots Of Soft Textures

I love using blankets and pillows wherever I can, but when it’s outside it really makes it feel cozy, like you want to just sit down and snuggle up! I love this buffalo check pillow and I was able to snag this set of 2 for under $18!! How great is that?! I used some soft pink pillows I already had on hand to break up the check and love the warm colors.

Natural Elements

Heirloom pumpkins!! They come in all colors, love the blues and pinks and I usually try and make the little areas feel like they are spilling over with pumpkins so I lean or prop them up and then arrange them all next to each other for that robust effect.

I also used some hydrangea flowers we had which are at the tail end of their season and put them in a sturdy vase filled with water for some additional texture.


I found these beautiful wooden planters and LOVE how beautiful they look with mums inside! I will definitely be using these all year long!

Let There Be Light

Candles are wonderful, but a tad dangerous when they are on the floor with little kids running around. I found these battery powered candles and put them in some lanterns I had at the house. The glow looks so nice at nice, and such a nice element to have when people arrive! I linked some similar lanterns here and here.

Dress Up Your Walls

We have a screen over this door which I know isn’t the prettiest but it’s so functional for when we want to leave the door open but without the bugs. Ask me how many times the kids have run through it…actually don’t ask me. It makes it a little challenging to hang a wreath so I found a spot right next to the door where the wreath looks pretty! I love the bright orange colors of this wreath, it really pops!

We also had this pretty gather sign that I thought looked perfect hanging from the windows. I love the word “gather” at an entrance, I feel like it welcomes people before they even walk in the door!  The perfect addition to our fall front porch decor.



Walmart has SO many affordable Fall front porch decor options.  And honestly, when you’re sprucing up your decor seasonally, or for the holidays, it’s nice to not break the bank! The pieces I chose don’t scream fall so I do feel like you can use them in your home all year long.

no. 1 Autumn Harvest Wreath | no. 2 Waterproof Outdoor Flameless LED Candles | no. 3 Rustic Wooden Hurricane | no. 4 Classic Plaid Pillow Case | no. 5 Hello Outdoor Doormat | no. 6 Galvanized Washtub Planter | no. 7 Decorative Gather Sign | no. 8 Gingham Indoor/Outdoor Rug | no. 9 Galvanized Hood Lantern | no. 10 Wood Square Planter | no. 11 Gray Handwoven Throw Pillow | no. 12 Give Thanks Linen Pillow Case | no. 13 Wood Gather Wall Sign | no. 14 Galvanized Metal Planter Set


Thank you Walmart for sponsoring today’s post!  As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. 

To see our recent living room update featuring home decor items from Walmart, click here.