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We’ve had a very busy and super fun past couple weeks so I thought I would do a Joy Family Update post for ya!

Brian (4 in July)

About one month ago, there was a fire at Brian’s school (it happened before anyone was in the building thank goodness!) and it was kind of a devastating situation because all of the friends he made in his class were just suddenly not a part of his routine anymore. The teachers worked so hard to find another building to finish off the school year but with zoning and inspections, and one failed attempt, there just wasn’t enough time to justify it. So after a few weeks, some of the children were able to fill open spots in other nursery schools and we found one for B that a lot of his friends also got into (phew!), and he loves it! He is so adaptable, I love that about him. He never shed one tear about going to school, he was more like “see ya later mom” and off he went!

School ends for him June 1 and our plans for the summer consist of pool, beach, and tennis. I signed him up for select weeks of the peewee tennis camp at our club that goes from 9:30-12 MWF and he’ll do swim lessons as well.

Overall though, Brian is doing great. He’s turning into a little boy and is just so curious about everything. He is as smart as a whip so keeping him engaged and learning is our main goal. He asks so many questions and recites everything we teach him…it’s crazy. He’s working on writing his letters, he already knows all of them and their sounds (since he was like 2.5), and this weekend he learned right vs. left. I feel like he’s super advanced academically so there is no trouble there. I would say our current struggles, well not struggles, more challenges with him, are teaching him not to cry at seemingly everything when he’s not happy with it, i.e. if we tell him he can’t have something or if he has to stop doing something he’s enjoying like leaving a friends house when he doesn’t want to, he cries and throws a fit; teaching him patience when he’s not good at something, i.e. throwing his tennis racket down on the ground when he continually misses the ball and saying he’s “I’m not good at sports but I’m smart”<yes he literally said this and I nearly cried, at least he knows his strengths); sharing with Grace, and listening. Oh the Joys…”threenager” years I guess?

Brian had just told me he was pregnant, lol

Before the Mother’s Day Tea, doesn’t he look so handsome?? His outfit is from Janie & Jack (shirt, pants, belt, shoes)

I’m wearing my favorite bow back sweater, white jeans and low heals (similar, and on sale!)

Grace (22 months)

Grace is killing it at life. She’s the sweetest little almost two year old. She’s SO happy and easy going. She loves her brother so much, their relationship is so cute and heart-warming to watch. She absolutely loves to sing and dance, I would say that’s her favorite activity, and loves reading books, playing on our new swing set, pushing her stroller filled with stuffed animals around the house, and riding on her new scooter. Our current challenges with Grace are again, crying when she wants something she can’t have, needing to constantly be carried around by Big Brian when he’s home (such a daddy’s girl) and breaking both her youtube and pacifier addictions. She snatches my phone so quick when it’s in her reach and immediately goes to youtube kids. Oh, and she also says I love you which melts my heart. She’s sleeping so well, she goes down around 7:30 and sleeps at least until 7:30 AM and then takes a two hour nap around 1. Grace please never change this, though now that I typed it, it will change tonight.

not sure why I look like I have the flu in this picture, I don’t…

Brian and I have been having a lot of fun lately. We’re just enjoying our house, it’s our first spring here, so being able to sit on our deck and watch the kids play and go in and outside is so nice. We just love being able to be outside, it’s such a life-changer! (our next stop in life will be to a warm climate, I promise, California or Florida are begging for us). We’ve been getting out to a couple date nights recently which has been fun, last night actually, we went to see Zac Brown Band. It was SO fun and then we went to dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant in the city, Locanda Verde. Here is what I wore to the show:

This cute dress is only $45! earrings (similar because these are sold out!) bag / espadrilles / strapless bra

Okay, that’s all for now. I’m going to run some errands with Grace and take her for a walk near the beach before picking up Brian from school, then bring him to tennis, then backyard play all day because it’s going to be 75 and sunny!

I love these posts, will write more often!