Site icon Pure Joy Home Family Takeover Today!

About two years ago I decided I wanted to start posting about fashion, so I applied to the rewardstyle network, aka They said no, to keep working on my instagram account and blog page views and get back to them in a few months time. I hustled my tushie off and applied again a few months later…nope, keep trying. I hustled harder for another three months, and finally… congratulations, you’ve been accepted into the rewardstyle network 🎊 I celebrated that night and thereafter because really, if you want to be a fashion blogger, you want to be part of rewardstyle. You probably don’t notice anything but it’s the back end machine that makes it easy for users to shop the clothes I show and keeps track of the affiliate linking allowing us to earn commission on any products we sell.

Two years later, here I am!! I’m taking over the account today, and am truly honored and grateful for the opportunity. I’m still hustling just as hard, actually way harder on the fashion side of things, but I’ve got a lot more access and support to assist me. I’ve never been happier doing anything in my life (professionally) and feel so fortunate to be able to do what I love, while making a little income for our family. I work out of my home, alongside my kids most days, and connect with YOU on a daily basis. Working for yourself and doing motherhood at the same time is truly incredible and a privilege I don’t take for granted, BUT can be a little lonesome on the adult front at times if you know what I mean. This may sound crazy to you but through my instagram, I don’t feel so alone, especially with insta-stories. I basically talk to you all day, and we continue the conversation via direct message, comments, etc… My day is filled with so much adult conversation now, from like-minded women that I’m always learning and connecting with. The community that surrounds Pure Joy Home is amazing and I wanted you all to get in on the action so I actually just started a community facebook group for us (you can request an invite, here).

Long story short, thank you for your constant support and friendship, day in and day out, here at Pure Joy Home. I’m so blessed to have you as a part of my day, it’s the most rewarding aspect of my job and just…thank you and keep on rocking 🙂

Also, make sure to pay me a visit today at! If you aren’t using yet, it’s super easy. Download the app from the App Store (free), set up an account, the then whenever you like or screenshot my photos from instagram, you’ll get all the product info either delivered to your inbox, or it’ll show up in your app!

xx, Liz