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My Fitness Journey with Bradley Fitness

Back in December, I was running my tushie off to catch a train and after a thirty-second sprint from my car to the platform, I was gasping for air like I had just run 10 miles into the woods from an ax-murderer. I decided then that I needed to start getting into shape. Shortly after that we went to Florida and I was back in my bikini. I was thin, no doubt, but like fat-thin or “skinny-fat” as they say, and I just didn’t feel good about my body. I wanted to start feeling better in my skin, I wanted to be stronger, I wanted to have more stamina, I wanted to lift Gracie (and Brian) into the grocery cart without any strain, I wanted to be able to lift Brian high up in the air so that he could start practicing on the monkey bars. With all this said, I HATE THE GYM. I despise getting on the cardio machines and watching the clock tick, I like lifting weights but have no clue what I’m doing so feel like it’s a hopeless cause. I semi-enjoy classes but hate that there are so many girls in one class and that there is no personal instruction, i.e. I’ve been doing squats my whole life wrong with no one correcting me.

ENTER BRAD (Bradley Fitness). My friend and photographer, Steph, recommended him and I can tell you now, he is a godsend. Improving my fitness journey is the best investment in myself I have ever made, yep, 100%. I literally would not work out if he didn’t show up at my door, and in fact, I try and cancel on him 40% of the time, and he basically tells me that he’s been waiting in Starbucks and to go to h*ll, and then he shows up. My kids are always around, and they exercise with me, or Brad entertains them with some mechanism he has with him. My workouts are NEVER boring and the hour flies by. It’s also MY TIME. I put on a playlist and just unplug and work out, and it’s SO NICE and FUN. I try to go outside for that hour to get some vitamin D and fresh air. The other day, Gracie and Brian were playing on their water table while I was boxing. I was beating the crap out of the laundry pile (aka Brad’s hand) and it was so crazy, but so fun.

I asked Brad to share a little bit about himself for this post:

Hi my name is Brad, or Bradley if you’re my mom. I’ve been a personal trainer for over seven years and found a passion for fitness when I was 14 years old, largely in part from being a skinny kid and a love for Arnold and Stallone movies. Now at 35, my idea of fitness has definitely evolved and I share that with my clients.

When I was 25, I cared about a six pack. These days, I care more about posture and one’s ability to move well. Butt sticking out and abdomen protruding? That’s not sexy, that’s anterior pelvic tilt. Rounded shoulders falling forward along with your head? Weak upper back. Both are usually caused by sitting too much, which we weren’t designed to do (as humans).

So, my basic philosophy, and what I consider to be “fit” are good posture, movement patterns, strength, and basically feeling good about yourself. This can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people, and it gets pretty complicated. Everyone is different. Very different.

I believe that the quality of your health determines the quality of your life. I think you should be able to push yourself up, pull yourself up, run a mile (if you want), chase your kids without getting out of breath, and be confident with your body. 

Some myths about your fitness journey:

Some truths about fitness:

We’ll talk about Liz’s specific program next week! 

ME << Yes, we are going to talk about what I do + what I eat in next week’s installment of Fit Friday (yes I know it’s Thursday but Fit Fridays are going to be a thing from now on!)

Here are some before and afters after 4 months of working out consistently (why didn’t I have better workout clothes in January?? Now I’m stuck taking these photos in these!)

My Fitness Journey with Bradley Fitness by lifestyle blogger Liz of Pure Joy Home

Yikes! It may not look like much to some, but my fitness journey is a huge improvement to me! My posture has improved drastically, and I feel so much stronger, picking Brian up who weighs in at 35+ pounds feels like lifting a feather. I’m so happy to be fit, and I can’t wait to take y’all along for the ride!