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Our Back Deck with At Home

We are SOO excited to reveal our latest home project, our back deck!! Fun fact, when we first looked at this house to potentially make our home, I fell in love when we pulled up in the car. Brian was a little slower, hard to convince. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted the big glass sliders with nothing but green grass beyond them, we stepped onto the back deck and Brian asked where to sign! It was this beautiful deck that the owners had built just before their move to Nantucket, and the big backyard where we pictured spending endless hours with our family and friends, this perfect house would be our home ❤️

We were SO excited to have the opportunity to work with At Home again this summer. We had so much fun this winter when we visited their Manchester, CT store on our way home from the Mumford and Sons concert to pick out a chair for our family room, you can see that post here. When they reached out to see if we were interested in partnering for our outdoor space this spring, we were all over it! The chair has held up beautifully and we love the fact that you get to shop for furniture and take it home that same day. So we dropped the kids off at school one morning, rented a UHaul and off we went!

A little bit more about our deck, there are two sections, one for dining to the right and one for lounging on the left when you walk outside. For this project, we focused on lounge side and let me tell you, we have been LOVING IT!! It’s like we gained a whole new room to live in outside! We went with the Park City collection and I love how traditional, yet sleek it is. We warmed up the space with this great indoor/outdoor rug which has seen LOTS of rain over these past couple weeks and she’s doing great! I also feel like adding an outdoor rug separates the area and invites a sit down and chill vibe. We rounded out the space with two couches and a chair with a coffee table in the middle so you can enter from the center of the deck.

We found these really great indoor/outdoor pillows which soften up the couches and give them a cozy feel. We also layered in some lanterns for some natural lighting and dimension which I LOVE. These are battery powered, and these tall ones are for candles. I’m also SUPER into plants these days!! I’ve never had a green thumb but all I want to do is care for my plants and watch them grow. It’s so insane because like I said, in the past I could care less about keeping a plant alive and when I come downstairs in the morning before everyone’s awake, the first thing I do is check on all my little plant kids. Our jasmine is 🙌 I chose these really pretty <concrete looking planters> to place them in and I love their look.

Lastly, the sweetest surprise was one day while I was out shopping. Brian knew he had a couple hours at home without me so he hung these string lights for me which he knows I’ve always wanted. I’m SO happy with them and LOVE seeing them lit up at night.

We are SO happy with all of our furniture and accessories from At Home! You can check out a store locater to find a store nearest you!

*this post was sponsored by At Home stores. All images and story detail are my own*