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Our Summer Herb Garden!

Funny story, this herb garden has had two versions, mine & Brian’s. You see, I had plans to DIY and plant the most beautiful raised beds of herbs. I would buy the seeds, plant them with the kids, and we’d watch them grow into bountiful herbs that we could enjoy and share with all our new neighbors…

Liz’s Reality Check // Flash forward three weeks. The seeds sat unopened, the planters empty, the bags of potting soil lay on the side of the house 🤣I always have big goals when it comes to gardening and they never transpire, or if they do it isn’t pretty!! Admitting to myself that the garden of my dreams isn’t happening this summer, I decided to fake it!

I went to Walmart and bought potted herbs that were already growing, and placed them directly inside my new pretty planter boxes – VOILA! My summer 2020  DIY and DONE herb garden was alive and well, and it took me 2 minutes to do! If you want to go this route and call it a day, solidarity my friend, we got this 💪🏻The best part about these planters is that they have a 2-step shelf. You can rest it on the very bottom or you can raise it up half way. I raised it up so that the herbs sat at the top and looked more, “planted”.

Brian’s Version // Brian actually potted the plants after I went inside with the kids. He lined the pots with a black garbage bag, added in Miracle Grow Potting Soil, took the herbs out of their pots and planted them in the soil. He’s also been watering them every day and taking care of them because Lord knows I won’t, haha. At least one of us is responsible!

Honestly, both options work just fine, if you’re short on time and your husband isn’t ashamed of your planting skillz, go the easy route! All that matters if you have some place to pick fresh herbs, and that they look good in the pot! I like to simplify where I can 🙂

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*this post was sponsored by Walmart.