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Restaurant Kit Ideas For Kids

no. 1 Memory Travel Game | no. 2 Tegu Pocket Pouch Magnetic Wood Block Set | no. 3 Disney Eye Found It Card Game | no. 4 Plus Plus Construction Building Toy | no. 5 Waterproof Uno Card Game | no. 6 Reusable Color With Water Activity | no. 7 On The Go Color By Numbers | no. 8 Pipe Cleaners | no. 9 Travel Fashion Plates | no. 10 Grade 1 Writing Workbook | no. 11 Washable Markers & Paper Set | no. 12 Bumpkins Reusable Snack Bags | no. 13 Boogie Board Scribble & Play Color LCD Writing Tablet & Stylus |no. 14 WikkiStix Rainbow Pack | no. 15 6-in-1 Card Game Pack | no. 16 Sticker Pad Sets



I got such a great response for restaurant kit ideas for kids the other day!  So I wanted to share a round-up of what we use AND some of your suggestions/favorite items as well.  And We all know summertime can sometimes mean eating out more frequently.  The weather is nicer, the days are longer with lots of fun and activities so making dinner can be the last thing you want to do.  And this summer is no different for us.

When we go out to eat I always bring a bag with a few select activities that I know will be a help if we need to reach for them.  Kids are so energetic and excited, especially when in new places, and we can’t expect them to sit still and soak up the atmosphere like adults can.  So sometimes they need a bit of entertainment or activities to help their brain stay stimulated.



1.Try to keep these screen free.  While I have to admit sometimes desperate times call for the iPad, especially when traveling with kids or when they’re overtired, etc… HOWEVER I usually try to keep these kids screen free for as much as I can.

2. Keep it fresh and new. The goal is to keep them happy and try to ward off any extreme tantrums until the food is served, so I try to bring a mix of things I know they will love. Brian will pretty much always play with his plus plus building blocks and Grace loves a good coloring book.  But I also like spice it up with a new toy or game for them to explore.

3. Try family friendly games.  So many of you had great ideas on incorporating everyone at the table.  It’s a great way to bond and stay connected even when you are out with so many distractions.  Games like Uno or this fun pack are great activities!

4. Reusable bags.  One of you suggested these Bumpkin Snack bags as a good storage for crayons or activities with small parts (like blocks, etc.).  I also bring a small tote with all the activities in it so I can pass it to the kids or have it hanging on the back of my chair for a quick reach.

5.  Make it crafty.  Using pipe cleaners or WikkiStix can facilitate a creative activity for the kids.  They can build different things or make bracelets for one another.  There are so many that come in a pack so it doesn’t matter if they get lost or need to be thrown out after the meal.

6.  Order the kids food ASAP.  This is important for those with toddlers.  So you want to try and limit the time frame they are waiting and being asked to sit in once place.  And if you can, try to look at the menu before you go and maybe even talk about what each kid wants before arriving to the restaurant.  So that way ordering can be seamless, food will arrive in no time and parents can relax and enjoy a night out.


7.  Have fun with it (AND ORDER A GLASS OF WINE).  So, sometimes it will be a breeze and other times you may look at your husband and say, “why do we even bother, this was a horrible idea!!” #guilty on NUMEROUS occasions. Once we flat out walked out of breakfast and Brian ran to pay the bill while I took the rascals outside. When we got in the car we wondered why on earth we even decided having kids was a good idea, lol. It gets easier the older they get, and DON’T FORGET YOUR WINE.


Thank you so much to those that submitted restaurant kit ideas for kids!  This community is such a great source of information and I love when I can share things like this with you.  Hopefully it helps spark some easy and fun ideas for your next family outing.  Below are links to even more ideas, just click on the image to shop.  Best part is they are all from Amazon!

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