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Strawberries in the Spring: Our Strawberry Picnic

Yesterday was a winner! It was simply gorgeous outside and Brian and I had the kids and each other all to ourselves. We did nothing but enjoy the day with music and snacks on snacks on snacks (what is it with kids + snacks, they are like bottomless pits!). Brian and I keep having these moments where we look at each other and smile because all is right in the world, and we’re just trying to take it all in and enjoy every minute.

We attended a memorial service of one of our dear family friends who passed of pancreatic cancer this past weekend. While it was one of the saddest days to know we will never be in his physical presence again and the sorrow we felt for his family, it reminded me to not take one second for granted, that every day is a gift and to cherish our time here. Do what makes you happy, be with those you love, and give it out as much as you can.

So we’re living with a little more thankfulness and enjoying the simple things. Yesterday, we got the biggest, juiciest strawberries so we made a big deal and had a strawberry picnic on the deck. The kids loved it, and seeing them so happy over something so simple was just refreshing and beautiful.  I had also just gotten a delivery from my BFF, the UPS man, with a dress I’ve been waiting for, so I decided to dress up with Grace, hand Brian the camera and have a little moment…


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