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Wellness Wednesday | Detoxify Your Laundry

I am really excited to introduce this new wellness series to the blog!  Each week I will be sharing a simple wellness tip that we use here in the Joy home.

Over the past year I have made a huge effort to make simple switches to reduce the amount of chemicals/toxins we use in our home and transition to more natural/clean products. They are out there you just have too look. I was mortified after watching a few documentaries and reading up on the ingredients that go into so many of the products we were using daily and decided to put an end to it. I’m not an extremest by any means, but for things that are so simple to switch out it’s kind of a no brainer.

So one really simple way I reduced toxins from our life was to take them out of our laundry.  This was SUCH an easy fix and you can easily implement this in your home as well!!

Did you know that there are probable human carcinogens in many name brand laundry detergents?  It’s insane to think about but it’s true! Remember the tide pod challenge a few years back? People freaking DIED.

First thing I did was switch out our laundry detergent. Because I rep Young Living, I use their Thieves detergent and not only is it “free and clear” from toxic chemicals and synthetic fragrances, but it is also infused with immune supporting essential oils.  So every time I slip a t-shirt on over Brian and Grace’s heads, I know they are wearing truly clean clothes with added immune support, amazing.

Another thing you can ditch right away are dryer sheets.  They are loaded with synthetic fragrances and chemicals that can linger on your clothes for days and even months.  I know you may love that clean smell but to me it’s not worth the health hazard that it brings.  An easy switch is to order wool dryer balls.  I get mine from Amazon (see here) and they are only $10 for a 6-pack and can last anywhere from 2-5 years!! To keep our laundry smelling fresh I add a couple drops of lavender or lemon essential oil and I know what we are smelling is pure and not synthetic.

How simple is this??