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Pineapple Football DIY

Happy Friday, gals! I’m so excited for the weekend, it has been the longest week ever, but I guess that is part of the deal after coming off an amazing vacation.

I get my DIY on a couple times a year, ideas just pop into my head and this one has to be one of my all time favorites. We’re not sure what we’re doing for the Super Bowl this year but I’ll either be hosting or bringing this as a hostess gift wherever we go. I mean HOW CUTE ARE THEY THO?! When I was trying to think of something cute to make footballs out of, my trusty old pineapple immediately came to mind because of its oval shape. This is seriously the easiest DIY and requires no skill whatsoever, no pinterest fail will be happening to you I promise.

Here is what you need to do:

Buy a pineapple, or two / brown spray paint / white tape (I found this at our local craft store) and use a plastic bag to cover the leaves of the pineapple.

I sprayed the pineapple in a brown box in our garage with the door open because the fumes are quite heavy. The box sort of contained the spray so the floor didn’t get sprayed. It took about three or four coats with about 20 minutes in between each coat.

Once the pineapple dried, I removed the plastic bag from the top and started working on the lines. My tape was about an inch thick so I split it in half with scissors. This was really the only tricky part because you want to get straight lines. I attached one side of the tape to the counter and then tried to glide the scissors up the tape and it worked pretty well.

And that’s it! I hope you have fun with this one, and I’m sure these little pineapples will be the star  of the night, forget the teams.


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