Sorry for my close up! Wanted to get down in writing everything you need to do to have your best skin ever, using 100% pure, natural ingredients that your body will love you for. I’ve tried every serum out there and my skin has never been better. There is not one chemical in my skincare routine and I feel so good about that!
This is what I use.
Mirah Cleansing Oil (nightly, I don’t do anything to my skin in the morning except occasionally exfoliate). I use about 4 pumps and give my skin a facial for around 30 seconds, rotating my fingers in a gentle circular motion. Then I add a little water to my hands and do another 30 seconds. Next I take a warm washcloth and use that to take off the cleansing oil.
Your face will feel like your 13 again 🙌
Next, use your GLOW serum. To make this you’ll need cold-pressed, organic jojoba oil. I like this one.
Pour it into a 1 ounce dropper bottle. Add 15 drops of lavender, 15 drops of copaiba, and 15 drops of frankincense. Shake. Use morning and night. Buy multiple droppers because you’ll want to make this for your mom, sister and best friends, it’s THAT good.
Right before you go to bed, Take your frankincense and use it as a roller. Your starter kit will come with a roller fitment that you can pop right on. Roll it over areas where you want improvement. Fine lines, redness, dark spots. Roll it on and let it work it’s magic overnight.
Frank is also incredibly grounding, so once you smell it, your mind will be blissed out and you’ll fall asleep immediately.
Use pure, use natural. We don’t need the synthetic fragrance, we don’t need the synthetic chemicals on our skin seeping into our bodies. Try this, and come back and report. Hundreds of girls have jumped on board with this regimen and LOVE it!
How to get the starter kit and oils.
Sign up for a premium starter kit here.
Select use this as my first essential rewards order
Customize your kit
Add Copaiba and the Mirah Cleansing Oil.
Proceed to check out, and within one day, you’ll get an email from me welcoming you to our facebook group where you’ll get alll the guidance on how to use your oils.